Now, for the first time in detail, Pattie shares with the world the story of a girl who felt abandoned and unloved. Of a teenager who made poor choices. Of a young woman who attempted suicide and could hardly bear to believe that God would ever care for her. One who messed up, got pregnant, and got a second chance. Every reader will find themselves somewhere in Pattie's painful journey of redemption. They will be encouraged by her example that what was once broken can become whole.
Pattie's story will inspire readers to believe that even in the darkest of places, there's always hope. For those who feel unlovable, there's always love. And for those who believe they're a lost cause, there's always room for another chance.
My Review:
Pattie's voice presents itself loudly and clearly: most of her life, she felt unloved. Turning to alcohol, drugs, and teen "love" didn't help her. Her life continued to spiral down, down, down. She even attempted suicide! Even after she turned to God, she reverted to her old habits.
The story is told in a straightforward manner. The only caveat I have is that it's a bit wordy, but even so, it is a story worth reading.. Whether or not you're a fan of her son, once you read this true accounting, you'll be a fan of Pattie Mallette.
Thank you to Donna Hausler at Baker Publishing Group and Revell for my copy.