Sunday, February 13, 2011

Talking with God in Old Age: Meditations and Psalms by Missy Buchanan

In Talking with God in Old Age, Missy Buchanan sensitively address the worries, fears, and frustrations of older adults and extends hope, encouraging them to maintain an open dialogue with God. Each reading features:

· A candid conversation with God
· A related passage from Psalms
· Easy-to-read print

Seniors grappling with the aging process will readily identify with these reflections and will find reassurance of God’s Presence. Caregivers, family members, and others seeking to understand aging loved ones will gain insight into the thoughts and emotions of the elderly frail.

My Review:
This thin booklet contains a first-person account of a nursing home resident, talking to God. Each thought is followed by a selection from Psalms, reassuring of God's unchanging love and presence.

Many of the fears and concerns of the aging are accurately presented, which can make it depressing reading. Only by focusing on the final thoughts of each meditation is the reader encouraged.

Thank you to Audra Jennings at B&B Media Group for my copy.

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