Using real-life anecdotes, biblical wisdom, and insight born of hard experience, Kristin teaches women the twelve traits of grace, inviting reflection and interaction. Warm, engaging, and practical, this book examines what God has to say about being His kind of woman in the twenty-first century.
About the Author:
KRISTIN ARMSTRONG was married to cyclist Lance Armstrong for five years, raising their three children while living in France and Spain. She is the author of a children's book, Lance Armstrong: The Race of His Life, and a contributing editor for Runner's World magazine. Kristin is passionate about her Christian faith, her family, her friends, and her career. She speaks French and Spanish, is a marathon runner, and enjoys cooking, reading, painting, and travel. Kristin now lives in Austin, Texas with her family--her son Luke and twin daughters Grace and Isabelle.
My Review:
This little 5" x 7" book is chock full of encouragement for ladies to work the twelve traits of grace.
At the end of the book, there is a listing of Discussion/Journal Questions divided by Chapters that will help direct each reader toward the goal of becoming a woman of grace. Armstrong suggests using these questions in a group setting. I can see women who are seriously seeking improvement in things internal and eternal benefiting by this study. Listed below is each chapter title and a snippet from that chapter:
- Beauty: "When you watch someone doing the thing they were meant to do, aren't they gorgeous?"
- Confidence: "is not about who you are; it's about whose you are."
- Softness: "Try speaking softly so that others have to quiet...to hear you."
- Trust: "As your trust grows, so will your assignments [from God]."
- Truth: "Friendship deepens in the fertile ground of honesty."
- Generosity: "Before we have anything to give, we have to have already amply received."
- Forgiveness: "does not involve the participation of the other person."
- Courage: "Whether or not we rise to meet the challenge will be determined by how seriously we have taken our preparation and our training up until this point."
- Diligence: "rquires a devoted, unbroken commitment to connection with the Lord, every morning."
- Wisdom: "is a love that surpasses knowledge."
- Authenticity: "We are truly pleasing to those we love (and who love us) only when we are being ourselves."
- Freedom: "God's kind of freedom is not boring."
The generous folks at Hachette Book Group are allowing me to host this book giveaway for five (5) copies!
- Winners are restricted to the US and Canada. No PO Box mailing addresses, please.
- I must have a way of contacting you, so be sure to leave your email address in code in your comment (Please do not ask me to look it up!)
- I'll close the comments at 6 PM EST March 24th and pick the five winners. I will contact the winners via email to get their mailing information. The winners will have three days to respond. If I do not hear from them within three days, I will select another winner(s).
- If you're interested, just say so in a comment with that all-important email address in code.
Example of email in code: you[at]yourmail[dot]com
What a wonderful book, I'l check it out on Amazon. Wish I could enter the draw (live in U.K.)
This sounds like a great book. I would love to enter!
Now this is a book that I would REALLY LOVE TO HAVE!!!
Thanks Sal
Hi Sally,
Sounds like a great book! Please put me in your drawing. Thanks! Have a great day!!
splummer51 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My stack of books is getting low so I need another one and this one sounds really good
Sounds like a good book for any of us to read. Thank you for your generosity.
Kristin is an amazing woman to go through a public divorce and end up writting a book that reaches out to help others.
Theresa N
Please enter me in your giveaway!
I have blogged about it at
My email is marieburton2004
(At) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks so much!
Sounfs great!
I could use a new book to read. Thanks for your recent comments on my blog Sally, glad to be back on line.
smsneen at aol dot com
This sounds like both an interesting and encouraging book. I would like to enter this if I am eligible (not sure since I won a previous giveaway from you).
This would be a wonderful giveaway win! Count me in please!!
What a great book and what an AWESOME JOB, I am WAY JEALOUS, altho I don't know how good a reviewer I would be, but I definately love to read and would love getting books to critique. thanks for sharing.
Please add my name to the pot for this book, Sally. It sounds like something I would love...
xo bj
add me in!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to have this book. Grace is a great thing to have and I want to be able to say I have grace. Thanks.
She is the one who recommended the Free Yourself to Love book Cliff sent me. I would like to read her book as well.
Great contest, lovely book. thanks so much,Z
I would love to read this inspiring book. If I win it when I am finished I will donate it to our church libary so others can benefit from it too.ybutler@oppcatv.com
Sounds like a great little book. Would love to read it. Please enter me.
This book sounds wonderful I would love to win a copy.
This sounds like a great book, I'd love to read.
techyone at gmail dot com
I would love to read this book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love for a chance to win this book! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
ellybean (at) connected2christ.com
The winners are: Sherrie, Marie Burton, Debbie J., Carla, and God Chaser.
sean pynaert
Just wanted to say I received the book today, and Thank you so much for offering the Giveaway :)
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