Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ABC's of Lighthearted Living...My Rx by Dr. Maggie Mears

Maggie Mears shows us how to achieve a higher level of happiness without ever popping a single pill. What's her prescription?

Twenty-six alphabetically arranged proven principles leave you laughing, inspired, confident and more connected-to your inner feelings and to those around you. Packed with moving stories of those who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve great joy-stories gathered from Dr. Mears'

With thirty-plus years as a physician of Internal Medicine, Dr, Mears offers a profound message of hope for anyone struggling to find fulfillment in a challenging world. In this alphabet, A is for Attitude and V is for Vacation. Dr. Mears' ruminations on such apparently simple topics reveal the immense power of transformation inherent in all of us.

My Review:
This is the best way for adults to recite the ABCs. An internist talks to grown-ups about health care issues in a frothy, lighthearted, and encouraging manner. Following the good doctor's advice surely will add life to anyone's years. This easy-to-read manual could be zipped through in no time, or better yet, slowly digested one letter of the alphabet for every day. I think this would make an excellent gift for anyone with a chronic illness.

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