In the midst of balancing a challenging job managing anupscale photography studio with the demands of her busy home, Linda is trying to help her father-in-law get on with life after he's widowed. And now her best friend and confidant is moving across the country. But Linda soon learns that while everything she once controlled is out of her hands, God is still in control.
My Review:
I enjoyed this book! As a mother of two--coincidently, one son and one daughter who are both grown and gone "children"--I quickly connected to Linda, the protagonist. Written in first person narrative, Linda is a working mom with a full plate. Her son and daughter are still living at home, but they are one inch away from flying off and leaving her with an empty nest.
It seems we moms just come into our stride with child rearing, and right before we think our job is finished, our children decide for us! They're grown-ups, making mature decisions. Will Linda's resolve to trust the job that she, her husband, and God have done with these two ready-to-fly fledgling birds remain firm?
There are some twists and turns that compelled me to read straight to the end. Caution: I used a couple of tissues. If you'd like to read chapter one click here. If this sounds like your kind of book, you can buy one here.
Here is a link to the author, Megan DiMaria . She's offering Book clubs with four or more members a free copy of Out of Her Hands! At the same site, there are discussion questions you can download.

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DeAntwan Fitts
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